東京カートグラフィック クリアファイル行政メルカトルA3 CFAM(30セット) ・世界の国々が分かりやすい国別の色分け ・首都、主要都市の地名から山脈、河川、砂漠等、そして国旗まで学べる情報満載。 使いやすいA4タテ(見開きA3ダブルポケット)クリアファイル。 特徴のある地図デザイン3種類の展開です。 素材:PP 日本製 ・Classification according to the country where is easy to know world countries ・Information full loading to be able to learn from a capital the place name of major cities to a mountain range a river desert and a national flag. The A4 vertical (spread A3 double-pocket family) clear file which it is easy to use. It is the development of three kinds of unusual map designs.
東京カートグラフィック クリアファイル行政メルカトルA3 CFAM(30セット)
・Classification according to the country where is easy to know world countries
・Information full loading to be able to learn from a capital the place name of major cities to a mountain range a river desert and a national flag.
The A4 vertical (spread A3 double-pocket family) clear file which it is easy to use.
It is the development of three kinds of unusual map designs.
Material: PP
Product made in Japan